Cant Access This Item Because Its No Longer Available Check Url and Try Again 80190194

Windows Update not working? This might fix it!

When I first wrote this article, information technology applied to a Windows XP organisation. Since so, I've found the same technique works with Server 2003 as well as other flavors of Windows. There are updates inline.

Hither is the original scenario: You've got a computer y'all've just re-installed all of Windows XP. Like a adept reckoner professional, before turning it dorsum over to the client, you are going to apply all the service packs, patches, and updates that Microsoft might desire the arrangement to have.

Except when you go to (or, or, or any URL that redirects you lot to the Microsoft update engine), all you become is a referral to article 2497281 that says you should try a few steps manually.

I'm going to jump ahead quite a bit - I tried all the things suggested in that article, then tried other things others found and did, and had no success.

In some other scenario, Windows Update'due south GUI is endlessly looping around on itself and never actually updating your system. Different symptom for some of the aforementioned types of problems!

New Data 12/2013! Server 2003 has the same issue!

I was making a virtual machine of a fresh from the CD installation of Server 2003 R2 and upon the first update attempt came upwards with a 0x80190194 error code in IE6 which complained of a Windows update error. Afterwards much hoop jumping and Microsoft Ready-It downloads that didn't gear up information technology, I turned and did the same process below (though I did have to practice more than just 2 files) and that server is now happily updating.

So if you accept a server with a similar problem, follow along and get Windows update updating again! Details of my particular server faults are well-nigh the end.

New Data 12/2014! Server 2003 Windows Update Broken by MS- 14-068

Actually, I don't know if KB3011780 bankrupt it for sure or not, but it was ane of the updates that came in the November Patch Tuesday cake. Information technology could have been any of these: KB2993254, KB2998579, KB3000061, KB2978114, KB2989935, KB2993958, KB2992611, KB3002885, or KB3006226. Windows Update was so cleaved I couldn't even manually download the patch fix for MS14-068 - information technology would run, unpack, give an error, not write a log file, and exit.

What fixed information technology: I did the transmission install procedure below, though other files had to exist copied as well and renamed in the process. Once that was done, Windows Update ran - the beginning affair it did was run an update that updated Windows Update components. Then information technology ran fine, did its updates, and then proceeded to go into a loop bouncing between two screens in IE and not run once again.

At this signal, for fun I gave the Microsoft Set up-It tool another try - this tool has never worked in the past, but to my anaesthesia this time information technology worked perfectly!

The FixIt tool was found here:

Ready the trouble with Microsoft Windows Update that is not working

This might not piece of work in the hereafter - my path to this link was:

Click on the Windows push button, "Gear up functioning, errors or crashes, Windows Update. It was the outset link in the screen, all shown hither:

FixIt for Windows Update

The screen says it is for Windows seven, but information technology worked perfectly for me on a Server 2003 box.

Problem Details (the get-go one, non subsequent ones)

I was setting upwards a couple of notebooks with new hard drives and fresh installs of Windows XP Professional equally that'due south what their restore disks & COA (Certificate of Actuality) said they were sold with. One was a restore deejay for XP, the other was a restore disk for XP with SP1 already integrated. Yes, they were older notebooks. But the price was right at $0/each and it was for a adept cause.

The first system was a Gateway, the second was a Dell - merely based on what I've read near others with this problem, information technology can be any system at all. In the first example, I put in a CD with XP SP3 to practice all the updates at in one case. No good, windows update was broken. In the other case, I tried a small-scale step - first to XP SP2, then up to XP SP3 - and it was broken as well.

Hither is the the screen that comes up - click on any thumbnail epitome to bring up the total size version:

Windows Update Broken Article 2497281

They propose a lot of things - like turning on automatic updates, then running the control to force updates at present (wuauclt /detectnow), and none of those things worked for me. Others suggested manually downloading the Windows Update Client and forcing the install by running it from the command line with /wuforce to force the update to happen, some said they were calling Microsoft support, and other things - none of which fixed the problem for my two laptops.

What is happening

The curt version is the install for Windows Update for some reason isn't installing all the files it needs to run. It is leaving a couple of older files as dust bunnies, and the whole update process is failing due to the new code trying to talk to an older .DLL file. The fix, until Microsoft fixes it for existent, is to manually copy the files. A grab is those files are in use, so you'll have to do some DOS prompt type commands to make it so you can update those files.

Don't worry - I'll walk y'all through everything.

What you will demand:

Download a copy of the Windows Update iii.0 install package. I found it at:

or, I besides plant a pointer to this download at:

That and some bravery to do some command prompts and you'll be all fix!

Fixing Windows Update!

With the link downloaded, run it simply don't go through the install. A screen will come upwards that shows what directory the files are expanding into - annotation that directory name or at least the starting time 2-3 characters of information technology as you'll run across here:

Windows Update Agent expanding all its files

And then in this example, which I captured subsequently I'd already done the procedure, the files were expanded into the directory c:\41a<other stuff deleted>. We don't care about all that stuff, but enough of it we can find that directory. When all the files are expanded, you'll encounter the next screen virtually installing the update agent:

Windows Update Agent install screen

Practice Not PRESS NEXT OR CANCEL YET! Just permit that window lonely. If you cancel or hit side by side, your temporary files volition be deleted before you can copy them to someplace else.

Now get to your DOS prompt past hitting First->Run->CMD.EXE

Go into the directory listed by typing cd \ThoseFirstTwoOrThreeCharacters and then hitting the <TAB> key to machine-consummate the balance of the directory proper name. And then in the example in a higher place, you would type:

cd \41a<TAB><ENTER>

Note: <TAB> represents the tab button, non a less than sign, capital T, capital A, capital letter B, greater than sign. Same thing with <ENTER>

You'll now be at a DOS prompt inside the directory with all those nice files expanded.

Brand a directory to salve them:

mkdir c:\junk

Then copy the files to that junk directory:

copy *.* c:\junk

If you've already installed this update prior to searching and finding this article, you can hit the CANCEL push in the Windows Update Amanuensis Installer window and completely skip the side by side paragraph.

If you lot haven't installed the update even so, hit Next and let the update go on forward. If Microsoft fixes the trouble, you lot should be able to get to and see everything working nicely. If information technology doesn't piece of work yet, continue on.

In my case, the directory created with c:\0e6b22a4344a25.... so y'all'll see my screen shots reverberate that directory tree. Plus I made my temporary directory C:\temp\wu - information technology really doesn't affair where y'all copy them, equally long as it is a place yous just created so goose egg else is inside equally y'all'll be wiping that temporary location out at the end of this.

End the motorcar-update service by typing:

net cease wuauserv

Stopping Windows Auto Update

I ran this from the windows\system32 directory, but yous can run information technology from anywhere.

Here are fragments of the two directories, side by side. On the left are the good files every bit they come up from Microsoft. On the right are the files as installed in the c:\windows\system32 directory. I highlighted the 2 files that weren't updated past the installer with red arrows. These take to exist copied by hand.

On the left you can see wuauserv.dll is dated 8/half dozen/2009 and has a size of 22,744 - on the right information technology is older, four/14/2008 and only 6,656 bytes.

Similar item with wuweb.dll - new on the left, old on the right. Both these files need to exist copied from your temporary directory to c:\windows\system32

Since you lot are within your temporary directory, you tin type the first line and copy wuweb.dll:

copy wuweb.dll c:\windows\system32

If y'all get an error saying the file is in use, shut all your Internet Explorer windows. The Windows Update website probable has one of those DLL files open.

You can see I had that error with wuauserv.dll - so for that, I had to rename the file first, and so I could copy it. So type:

rename c:\windows\system32\wuauserv.dll wuauserv.dll.old
copy wuauserv.dll c:\windows\system32

Right afterwards that, without even a reboot, I was able to go to Windows Update and it worked!

The system did a full suite of updates, updated its updating engine, and is running fine.

When you are done, you lot tin delete that temporary directory you saved all the files into.

For Server 2003 installations:

Following the similar process above, I had to copy wups.dll, wups2.dll, wuauserv.dll, and wuweb.dll from the temp directory into the c:\windows\system32 directory. This was on a fresh installation off a Windows Server 2003 R2 install disk. Even though I'd stopped bits and wuauserv services, I nonetheless had to rename wuauserv.dll to .one-time in lodge to brand the copy piece of work.

I didn't wait for a different update installer package for Server 2003, only used the same update installer as I did on the Windows XP SP3 system.

Another Server 2003 Looping Failure:

In this example, I came across a Server 2003 that was looping on itself when the user went to the windows udpate web site. The two screens looked similar this:

Windows Update Loop

Followed by:

Windows Update Failure Loop

In this case, looking over the WindowsUpdate.log file revealed a huge inkling - hither is a snip from that magical file followed past the actual text that is important:

Windows Update Broken - Log File

FATAL: Update required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuweb.dll:
target version = 7.two.6001.788, required version = seven.six.7600.256

And then the update is looping for a similar reason, this is because of a version mismatch between a file required for Windows Update to function properly. How information technology got messed upwardly is anybody's guess - searching around, I found 3 different versions, and the one upward in the dllcache directory was the right version. This screen shows me searching around, followed past the properties on the version in the dllcache directory:

Looking for updated wuweb.dll

Found correct wuweb.dll version 7.6.7600.256

Seeing this, finding the new version, I had to re-create it into the c:\windows\system32 directory from the dllcache directory. At first, it wouldn't copy - it turns out the file was still in use. Yous can see my progression here, first the file won't copy, then I run procedure explorer to meet who has the file open, I institute an Cyberspace Explorer instance without any GUI windows still running the DLL, killed that procedure, then retried the copy and the file at present copied over:

Copying the correct wuweb.dll file

And just like that, Windows Updates showtime working once more:

Windows Update Working Again!


Next time, I'm going to try the "new" fix-it tool commencement. Who knows, peradventure it actually works 100% of the time now! That would be style nicer than the transmission (ugh) installation I had to get through. Interestingly enough, the fix-information technology tool is what left the older DLL that prevented Windows Update from running via the GUI. And then Fix-It still isn't fixing it all.


If you found this helpful (or not), please send me a brief email -- 1 line will more than do. If I see people need, desire, and / or use this kind of information that volition encourage me to keep creating this kind of content. Whereas if I never hear from anyone, so why bother?

I can be reached at:
das (at-sign) dascomputerconsultants (dot) com


David Soussan

(C) 2011, 2013, 2014 DAS Reckoner Consultants, LTD.  All Rights Reserved.

Everything below this line is to aid search engines with finding this content - some of these are right out of my WindowsUpdate.log file which are probable things that more avant-garde users might search for. Seriously, there is no reason you need to be reading all this gunk!

Help mistake message 0x80190194 windows update server 2003!
Windows update failed with 0x80190194

2014-12-05 09:58:xv:365 884 5b24 DnldMgr Regulation server path:
2014-12-05 09:58:15:709 884 5b24 DnldMgr * Regulation phone call complete. 0x00000000
2014-12-05 09:58:15:740 884 5b24 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {66898F85-E7D5-41EF-B88A-84733092C62C}.205] ***********
2014-12-05 09:58:15:740 884 5b24 DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler asking generation.
2014-12-05 09:58:15:740 884 5b24 DnldMgr Generating download request for update {66898F85-E7D5-41EF-B88A-84733092C62C}.205
2014-12-05 09:58:fifteen:740 884 5b24 Misc FATAL: Failed to delete file C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\30315f8a55ccb16d15cc91b705df503b\update\update.url (hr = 80070005) afterward 0 retries
2014-12-05 09:58:16:021 884 5b24 Handler Windows Patch download for UpdateId = {66898F85-E7D5-41EF-B88A-84733092C62C}: selected activeness is download express (delta).
2014-12-05 09:58:sixteen:209 884 5b24 Handler Updateci: CreateFileForWrite( C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\30315f8a55ccb16d15cc91b705df503b\update\update.url ): CreateFile failed (5)
2014-12-05 09:58:16:209 884 5b24 Handler Updateci: ExpandCabinetToDirectory( C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\30315f8a55ccb16d15cc91b705df503b\windowsserver2003-kb3011780-x86-express-enu.exe,a000 ): failed (5)
2014-12-05 09:58:16:209 884 5b24 Handler Updateci: WinSEUpdateHandler::_UnpackCab: Failed extracting C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\30315f8a55ccb16d15cc91b705df503b\windowsserver2003-kb3011780-x86-limited-enu.exe to C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\30315f8a55ccb16d15cc91b705df503b (5, 0x5)
2014-12-05 09:58:16:209 884 5b24 Handler Updateci: WinSEUpdateHandler::_Unpack: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\30315f8a55ccb16d15cc91b705df503b\windowsserver2003-kb3011780-x86-express-enu.exe failed (5)
2014-12-05 09:58:16:209 884 5b24 Handler FATAL: UH: 0x80070005: Unpack failed in CUHWindowsPatchHandler::ValidateAndUnpackPackage
2014-12-05 09:58:sixteen:209 884 5b24 Handler FATAL: UH: 0x80070005: ValidateAndUnpackPackage failed in CUHWindowsPatchHandler::GetRequiredFilesForSandboxState
2014-12-05 09:58:16:209 884 5b24 Handler FATAL: UH: 0x80070005: GetRequiredFilesForSandboxState failed in CUHWindowsPatchHandler::GenerateDownloadRequest
2014-12-05 09:58:xvi:209 884 5b24 DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GenerateAllDownloadRequests: GenerateDownloadRequest failed with 0x80070005.
2014-12-05 09:58:16:209 884 5b24 DnldMgr Fault 0x80070005 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2014-12-05 09:58:xvi:224 884 5b24 Misc FATAL: Failed to delete file C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\30315f8a55ccb16d15cc91b705df503b\update\update.url (hour = 80070005) after 0 retries
2014-12-05 09:58:xvi:224 884 5b24 Agent *********
2014-12-05 09:58:xvi:224 884 5b24 Amanuensis ** END ** Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2014-12-05 09:58:xvi:224 884 5b24 Agent *************
2014-12-05 09:58:16:224 884 5f0c AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {45B5C5A8-D042-48CC-8838-AFB6B32A6952}]
2014-12-05 09:58:16:224 884 5f0c AU # Warning: Download failed, error = 0x80070005

2014-12-17 xvi:51:12:715 884 75d8 AU Featured notifications is disabled.
2014-12-17 16:51:12:715 884 9414 Report REPORT Outcome: {FBAAB773-75FA-4950-B46C-FCC2CA4A55C7} 2014-12-17 16:51:06:137-0500 1 182 101 {B01F648F-99E2-4CD5-948B-195FF76418D3} 201 80070002 MicrosoftUpdate Failure Content Install Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070002: Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB3013126).
2014-12-17 xvi:51:12:715 884 9414 Report Study Outcome: {C2F76B97-731A-4ED9-A503-D8EB3D956CA4} 2014-12-17 16:51:06:668-0500 i 182 101 {E2D027AE-6FE2-48FE-AC56-A7927D2A27E3} 201 80070002 MicrosoftUpdate Failure Content Install Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070002: Security Update for Net Explorer eight for Windows Server 2003 (KB3012176).
2014-12-17 sixteen:51:12:715 884 9414 Report REPORT EVENT: {64DDD9E6-7838-4F4D-8CFD-009EC4059F0F} 2014-12-17 sixteen:51:06:981-0500 1 182 101 {26662B73-1D69-4956-B3D3-CF97ADFFFD3B} 204 80070002 MicrosoftUpdate Failure Content Install Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070002: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer eight for Windows Server 2003 (KB3008923).
2014-12-17 sixteen:54:28:309 28732 9310 CltUI AU client got new directive = 'None', serviceId = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}, return = 0x80010108
2014-12-17 16:54:28:309 28732 9310 CltUI FATAL: Failed to show client UI, directive=7, hr=80010108
2014-12-17 sixteen:54:28:309 884 68a8 AU ########### AU: Uninitializing Automated Updates ###########


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