
That email is sitting in your inbox. Y'all know the answer to the question it's asking, but those two words are yet haunting you lot: "please advise." Information technology can show upward in the subject line, somewhere in the middle of a message, or, most frequently, right before the signature at the finish of the electronic mail. But what do y'all do with information technology?

The good news: if you know the answer to the main question in the email, only write your reply and nail! You lot've "brash." At the well-nigh basic level, "please advise" is a request for advice or answers. Merely to some people, it tin can come up across as redundant, stuffy, or passive aggressive.

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Please advise: What does "Please advise" mean?

Depending on the context, the person who's using the phrase, and what that person wants, the phrase can have a few different meanings. Hither are a few possible synonyms for "please advise":

  • Let me know
  • Get back to me
  • Can you give me your thoughts, answers, or input?
  • Give me the information I already asked for in the torso of this email
  • I'm waiting for y'all to respond

As y'all can see, "please advise" tin be interpreted in a diverseness of ways. Its primary meaning is a asking for information, simply information technology can as well come up beyond as having one of those last 2 meanings—and that's not and so pleasant. It all depends on context.

"Delight propose" equally an email ending

The style readers interpret "please suggest" depends non only on what the message is about but also on the tone of the rest of the bulletin. In nigh cases, this confusion can have place when "please suggest" appears every bit the stop of an email.

These example emails give a sense of the unlike means "please advise" might come across to a reader.

Dear Karen,

I was hoping you could assistance me go over the preparation decks. You were the terminal person to requite these trainings, so I'd appreciate some background on the gild and how the exercises are supposed to work.

Please advise. Eric

Dear Jared,

I know you lot're swamped, just tin you allow me know whether it's okay to move forward with publishing the article? Hoping to get it up mid-calendar week.

Delight suggest.


In Eric's email, which already seems passive aggressive, the "please advise" at the end is the bitter cherry-red on meridian. Jennifer'southward electronic mail, on the other hand, tries to be polite, even though Jared has conspicuously caused some delays.

"Please propose" alternatives

"Please advise" is on the formal side. In fact, it sounds a bit stuffy and sometime-fashioned. If y'all want alternatives for "please suggest" that work in a more modern, casual workplace, try these synonyms:

  • Allow me know
  • I expect forward to your answer
  • Thanks for your help
  • …Nothing at all

That'south correct: the best way to get around "please advise" is just to leave information technology out. In most cases, the phrase comes later on a question, then it ends upward performance as filler words or worse, as in Eric's email.

In the second example electronic mail above, the "please advise" doesn't necessarily come beyond as rude, but it's as well not strictly necessary. Here's a crazy idea: if you're writing an electronic mail asking for information, advice, or ideas from a colleague, they'll see your request in the body of the email. They already know they're supposed to become back to yous with answers, with or without the "please suggest" tacked on at the end.

So, if your message feels consummate without "please advise," just inquire your question and leave it at that.

Is "Delight advise" wrong?

Every bit far as grammar goes, some experts say that "suggest" is a transitive verb, so it needs to have an object. In other words, someone has to be advised. However, it's pretty obvious who is to be advised: whoever wrote the email. To get around verb confusion, you can think of "please advise" as a shortcut for "delight advise [me]."

Some other potential problem is the difference between advise and advice. Communication is a substantive, pregnant "suggestions for what to practice," and advise is a verb meaning "to give advice." Mix upward your s and your c and y'all'll need advice on your spelling, as well every bit on the question you're actually asking.

In the end, at that place's nothing grammatically wrong with "please advise." It's only a question of usage and fashion. Some people don't similar it because it can exist interpreted as rude or enervating. Other people think information technology's redundant: simply enquire your question and call information technology a day.

If you lot similar the formality of "please advise," go ahead and apply it. Only outset, just brand sure the residuum of your email doesn't seem boorish. That will continue your emails clear and courteous no matter what. Whether or not you wanted the states to advise, that's advice you can live past.


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